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Ένα video εξομολόγηση όπου ο Dartmed απαντά σε ότι θέλατε να μάθετε για το MMO Cult GR


To ΜΜΟ Cult GR ξεκινά για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα ενημερωτικά Game Live Stream Events

Uncut Gameplay

To MMO Cult GR παρουσιάζει μια σειρά από video που σκοπό έχουν να μεταφέρουν αυθεντικές στιγμές gameplay όπως ακριβώς τις βιώνουμε στην καθημερινότητα ενός ΜΜΟ. Διάλογοι τις στιγμής και αυθόρμητες καταστάσεις που έχουν προκύψει από καθημερινό gameplay

Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2012

EVE On Line Το pre Patch "Escalation" είναι LIVE

Δείτε τι νέο φέρνει το pre patch "Escalation" που πέρασε σήμερα στον live server Tranquility . To Escalation αποτελεί προετοιμασία για την μεγάλη ανανέωση του EVE On Line "Inferno" που αναμένεται αργότερα.


Escalation  April 24th, 2012
Loot Table Changes Show Some Industrialist Love
NPC ships will no longer drop manufacturable T1 loot. NPCs will continue to drop modules, however T1 items which have a blueprint will no longer drop, making player manufacturing the primary source for these items.
Tweaked Titan Tracking
Titan tracking has been revisited, reducing tracking and the number of targets they can have locked at once. Smaller ships, such as sub-capitals, should now prove more useful in fleet battles as both offensive and defensive combatants.
Bountiful Drone Rewards
Alloys have been removed from the rogue drones, and bounties have been added to them to bring them in line with other faction mobs. Players no longer have to gather a cargo hold full of alloys to make rogue drone hunting lucrative.
Incursion Iteration
The rewards and challenges of Sansha invasion fleets in Incursion content have been revisited to better balance challenge and reward. Vanguard invasions will now take a bit longer, while the time to complete an Assault invasions will be reduced some. In addition, the ISK reward of Vanguard invasions has been changed to bring the reward in line with the difficulty/risk.
Status Effects Notification Panel
Status effects - commonly known as buffs and debuffs - currently active on your ship will now display in a more visible and intuitive Notification Panel on your screen, similar to other mainstream MMOs.
More Multi-Cultural Character Creator Colors
The EVE character creator now offers a wider assortment of skin hues for a more diverse and realistic palette.

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